Women’s Circles

A sacred feminine way of embodied awakening.

Welcome, dear woman!

Take a seat in our circle, a sacred space where you tap into your authentic feminine power and awaken your inner radiance through body, heart and soul.

I invite you to join a sisterhood of like minded women exploring their authentic feminine power through embodiment practices that are revealing, transforming and soul satisfying.

In our busy, beautiful and challenging lives it is easy to loose touch with our essence, giving too much to others and not pausing to turn inwards to see what is truly moving through us.

When we meet in circle we drop deeper. We trust the sensitivity of the heart, the wisdom of the body and the direction of our desires.


Meeting in Circle

There will be a loving spaciousness for you to show up exactly as you are – in all your radiance and darkness, passion and vulnerability.

In each circle, we explore different aspects of the feminine that lead us in to deeper connection with ourselves and others.

The circles are filled with movement, dance, respectful touch, sacred inquiry, guided meditations and magic that happens when women gather and grow together.

Gifts of the circle

  • Soulful sisterhood with like-hearted women devoted to growth, depth, authenticity and community

  • Navigating life from a place of deeper intimacy with yourself

  • Feeling nourished, and deeply connected

  • Enjoying precious “me time”

  • Releasing shame and trusting yourself and the expression of your soul


You are warmly invited

Join our half day retreats if you feel inspired to explore your authentic feminine power and awaken your inner radiance.


What women say……..