Hi, I’m Heike.

I love guiding women and mothers who desire more fulfillment in every area of their busy, messy and beautiful lives.

Life Coaching and feminine embodiment work changed my life and I humbly confess that I love my life.

How did I get there? Where did I start from?

I reinvented myself many times with the help of coaches from across the globe in all areas of my life. Since 2011 I’ve always had coaches for myself or my relationships. That doesn’t mean it has always been easy. There was a time in my life when I had everything a woman is supposed to want on the outside - handsome husband, gorgeous half Indian kids, an expat city life, luxurious holidays and enough money & time to study healing methodologies and grow spirituality.

But on the inside, I was feeling overwhelmed, stuck, unhappy and I couldn’t figure out what was missing.

I was putting my needs on hold to support my husband, throwing my deepest desires out the window to be fully there for the kids, keeping myself small and trying to have a perfect life as a mother and wife. All these efforts left me feeling numb, anxious and disconnected from my spirit. I struggled with intimacy, relationships and health issues.


Becoming the woman you want to be is not selfish. It’s an act of love that takes courage.

For me, it took a lot of courage to face my inner world and choose to do things differently…

  • Leave the corporate world behind and follow my calling in the healing arts

  • Say yes to myself and go through a divorce

  • Rediscover my superpower – the capacity to FEEL - and having deep intimacy with life inside and outside the bedroom

  • Lead women’s circles so other women can tap into their authentic feminine power in a safe space

  • Turn mama guilt into becoming the unconventional, fun-loving and conscious mother of highly sensitive children that I longed to be

  • Sending my kids to a school in the jungle where their entire being matters more than their ability to memorize things well

  • Love myself enough to hire coaches for my personal transformation, intimacy, partnership, motherhood, conscious separation and much more.

“The meaning of life is to find your gift and the purpose of it is giving it away” Pablo Picasso.

I found my gifts in Life Coaching and Feminine Embodiment Work. It is my purpose to share them with other women who are ready to face their inner world in order to step into the life they desire.


Even more about myself…

Seeking adventure, I moved from Germany to India in 2008 where I lived for 5 years. During this time, I left behind my corporate career with KPMG, and embarked on a journey of self-discovery.

Over many years I studied different healing modalities from various parts of the world, learned from renowned teachers and remarkable mentors in the areas of spirituality, transformation, healing and intimacy while raising my beautiful children.

I currently live on the island of Bali with my 2 kids, 2 dogs, 2 cats and 5 chickens.

In my spare time, I love painting mandalas, immersing myself in the wisdoms of tantra, answering life’s big questions with my tribe of women, embracing public speaking and making sure my life has a sense of adventure.


My professional background

Wayfinder Life Coach (Martha Beck)
Certified BodyTalk Practitioner  (The BodyTalk System)
Bio-Energetic Health Coach (Christian Dittrich Opitz)
Women’s Temple Group Leadership Training (Awakening Women Institute)
Bachelor's degree in economics